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Summer Feature Exhibit

Stitches in Time: Stories from the Heritage Collection of the Embroiderer’s Association of Canada and the Government House Collection

May 16 - October 6, 2024

A work of embroidery holds a surprising number of intricate stories about a particular time and place in its stitches. Embroidery weaves together culture, beauty standards, industry, geography, technology, and more. The histories behind these textiles tell us that even the smallest of stitches can have powerful impacts. We can learn of entire economies built—and lost—around lace. We can connect with expressions of love in wartime through stitches. We can be inspired by the many resourceful women who sustained their families through incredible hardship with talented needlework and clever repurposing of materials. These are just some of the tales showcased in the exhibition, Stitches in Time: Stories from the Heritage Collection of the Embroiderer’s Association of Canada and the Government House Collection.

The exhibition spans across the Amédée Forget Museum and the J.E.N Wiebe Interpretive Centre. In the Interpretive Centre, an exhibit room features selections from the Heritage Collection. These artifacts highlight the wide breadth of embroidery techniques and stories across this rich historical collection.

The second half of the exhibit unfolds throughout the museum. Various artifacts from both the Heritage Collection and the Government House Collection are found in many museum rooms. A guide and map for the museum portion of the exhibition is available to help you connect with each artifact’s story.

A lace doily depicting fairies and butterflys.