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Where's Jocko?

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Every month Jocko hides in a new location at Government House.  Visit us at Government House and look for the missing Jocko. 

Amedee Forget with Jocko on his shoulderWho's Jocko?

The Forgets didn't have any children but they had a pet monkey called Jocko. Jocko had free rein of the house and could be quite the troublemaker. He liked attention and when he did not receive it, he would jump in people's hair, and when he came across a toupee, he would take it off. He would also play on the light fixtures in the main hall, which used to be hanging from chains. He would jump back and forth from one to the other making shards of glass fly everywhere. A rocking horse was put in the office, so Jocko would play in this room and not the others.