Civil uniform (PAS #R B450)
I am called a Second Class Civil uniform and I was the official uniform of Lieutenant Governors in Canada for many years. King George III designed the Windsor uniform in 1777 for family members bearing the Windsor name. After Canada became a country in 1867, Civil uniforms, derived from the Windsor uniform, became a symbol of the status and responsibilities of the Monarch’s representatives. Civil uniforms were worn by the Lieutenant Governors of Saskatchewan until 1963.
I belonged to Sir Richard Lake, the third Lieutenant Governor of the Province of Saskatchewan. I was not worn every day, but rather for important occasions like the swearing in of the Lieutenant Governor, the opening of each session of the Legislative Assembly, and the New Year’s Day Levée. This means I saw some of the most memorable and important events in Saskatchewan. I now have a place of honour in the museum collection at Government House.
I am very heavy because I am made of wool. The leaves across my chest, collar, sleeves and down my coat tails are embroidered with gold thread. My buttons are adorned with the Saskatchewan Coat of Arms. I also have a beaver hat with ostrich feathers, a cape that accompanies the jacket, a pair of dress pants, a scabbard and a sword that go with me to complete the uniform.
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