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Munroe Sword

Ceremonial Sword of Lieutenant Governor Hug Munroe located in the museum of Government House SKI have had quite the journey to make my way back to Government House. I was once for sale in an auction house – and I know you’re thinking – well of course, the auction at Government House in 1945. But this was very different.

I belonged to Lieutenant Governor Hugh Munroe and hung by his side from 1931 to 1936 until I was lent to his successor, Archie McNab. When Archie’s time as Lieutenant Governor was done, I tried to make my way back to Mr. Munroe, but got a little lost along the way.

Mr. Munroe died in 1947. Years after that, I found myself and many of his personal belongings in an auction house in Montreal. Here, I caught the attention of Arthur Classen – Alberta auctioneer and friend of the Government House Historical Society. Arthur knew that I belonged back at Government House, so he alerted the society to my whereabouts. Unfortunately, I was laden with a hefty $10,000 price tag and was more than the society could afford at the time. With help from the community, including a grade four class from McLurg School here in Regina, the society gathered enough funds to make an offer and purchased me for a more reasonable amount of $4,000. Since 2001, I’ve graced the main hall with my elegance thanks to the determination of the Government House Historical Society.

Ceremonial Sword of Lieutenant Governor Hug Munroe located in the museum of Government House SK

Ceremonial Sword of Lieutenant Governor Hug Munroe located in the museum of Government House SK