Government House was honoured to share this art exhibit in the Queen Elizabeth II Art Gallery which was presented by OSAC's Arts on the Move Program. The exhibit was entitled Common Truths with paintings by Donna Langhorne.
“Common Truths” continues Donna’s work of examining how challenges facing Indigenous people today can be identified and addressed artistically with reference to traditional teachings and concepts.
This exhibit was presented in Five Groupings, each grouping has a theme and uses a common shape. It confronts twenty (20) common truths impacting Indigenous people. We are especially privileged to have Donna Langhorne speak to each one of her paintings in the videos.
There are activities that can be used by teachers (and parents) with their classes that coincide with this exhibit.
Common Truths Videos
Group 1: Giishkizhigwan [teachers]
- Gather [lost traditions] – Snapping Turtle
- Stung [treaty betrayal] – Frog
- Forbidden [language suppression] – Snake
- Hooked [addiction] – Catfish
Video One: Catfish and Frog HERE
Video Two: Snapping Turtle and Snake HERE
Group 2: Nooke [protectors]
- Silenced [residential schools] – Lynx
- Remember [youth suicide] – Grizzly Bear
- Taken [60’s scoop] – Wolf
- Missing [MMIW] – Bear
Video One: Lynx and Grizzly Bear HERE
Video Two: Wolf and Bear HERE
Group 3: Bimaawidaasi [hunters and gatherers]
- Buried [sacred sites] - Moose
- Hunted [hunting rights] - Muskrat
- Poisoned [drinking water] - Rabbit
- Jailed [disproportionate incarceration] – Beaver
Video One: Beaver and Moose HERE
Video Two: Rabbit and Muskrat HERE
Group 4: Baswenaazhi [communicators]
Stuck [human trafficking] – Bald Eagle
- Rise [Stereotypes] - Thunderbird
- Assimilated [cultural genocide] - Crane
- Owned [gang affiliation] – Hawk
Video One: Hawk and Thunderbird HERE
Video Two: Bald Eagle and Crane HERE
Group 5: Bemaangik [peace-makers]
Breath [urban residency] - Loon
- Smudged [banned ceremony] - Kingfisher
- Fierce [2-Spirited] - Partridge
- Diseased [infected gifts] – Black Duck
Video One: Loon and Kingfisher HERE
Video Two: Patridge and Black Duck HERE
Activity #1: Colour Sorting Game
Activity #2: Colour Wheel
Activity #3: Description Game
Activity #4: Y-Chart
Activity #5: Crayon Painting
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