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Dining Table

I have had the honour of serving some of the most famous visitors to Government House, as well as many of the Lieutenant Governors’ family gatherings and even some public celebrations. I have served multiple courses of delicious dishes, many of which have been made using  ingredients that have come entirely from the grounds of Government House. At my smallest, I am only five and a half feet. But when all of the leaves are inserted, I extend to a full 22 feet! Oh, it feels good to stretch out!

I was taken to the Legislative Building and used in the Legislative Library from 1945-1984 where I served as more of a boardroom table than a dining table. I was then moved into storage for a short time before returning to the dining room at Government House in 1985. I am one of the only artifacts still used today, as special guests still dine here at the invitation of the Lieutenant Governor or the Premier. Some things never change: the best conversations and gatherings continue to happen around the dining room table and I take that job very seriously.

The legs of the dining room table located in the museum of Government House SaskatchewanThe underside of a wooden dining room table in the Government House museumA dining room table in the dining room of the museum at Government House SaskatchewanA wooden dining room table that is set for dining located in the dining room of the museum in Government House SK