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Virtual Field Trips

Virtual Field Trips

Pre-kindergarten to Grade 12
Recorded or Streamed

To increase the accessibility of Government House programming, we are going virtual with our field trips.

Laptop showing a pre-recorded tour of the Government House SK museum
Pre-recorded Tour of  Amédée Forget Museum
A young women in Victorian costume doing a Live stream tour of the museum at Government House SK
Live-stream Tour of  Amédée Forget Museum

You can choose from a pre-recorded tour (via USB key/stick) or a live-stream event where Government House staff will take you and your class on a tour of the building.

Afterwards, test your student's knowledge of the tour with an extended learning activity provided by Government House.

If using the pre-recorded tour, teachers may also arrange an interactive Q&A session with Government House staff where students can ask questions about the museum, tour and building.

Fill out the form below and a Programming and Visitor Services staff member will contact you to finalize your plans for a Virtual Field Trip for your class.

Virtual Field Trip Booking Form

To increase the accessibility of Government House programming, we are going virtual with our field trips.

Tour Choice(s)

Group Information

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