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Billiard Room

This room was frequented only by men and is decorated in a masculine style with dark colours and heavy solid furniture. Heads of animals adorn the walls to create a “trophy room” image. Here, gentlemen would come to relax after dinner. They would drink brandy and wine while discussing politics and business. While chatting they would play games such as pool, card games, and chess. The only woman allowed in this room was the chambermaid who came in to clean it.
This is only room for smoking pipes and cigars, as it was impolite to smoke in front of a lady. It is also the only room with textured wallpaper and a wood-burning fireplace, both used to combat tobacco fumes. To protect their clothing from the odour caused by smoking, men wore special smoking jackets while in the room. Before leaving they would wash their faces and moustaches in the lemon or perfumed water found in the delicate bowl beside the door.
The andirons in the fireplace, the wine cellaret, the matching helmet lamps on the mantle of the fireplace and the crystal decanters are all original to this room.
The brass cuspidors, or spittoons, are reproductions of the style common during this time.