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Drawing Room

Following a meal, the men would escort ladies into the Drawing room and then head off to the Billiard room. The women would play music and do other fun activities while talking about the latest news in the Regina social scene.
Coffee, tea, and chocolates were served using the tilt-top table found under the original what-not shelf in the corner. The table and blue vanity chair in the opposite corner near the dining room are also original to this room.
Madame Forget purchased the piano for $600 in 1901. Built in Toronto and shipped to Regina on the train, it was a central piece in the house for many years. She left it to the province when she and her husband no longer lived in Government House. It continued to feature prominently at special events until 1945 when it sold for $400 at auction. It spent 35 years in someone's home before the family traded it back for use in the museum.
Before the Ballroom addition, the Drawing room also doubled as part of the dance floor at many gatherings. Guests would glide from the Mail Hall through the Drawing room and back again while a band played under the main staircase.